Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday. hmmm

I have to do something about the mouse upstairs, he is driving Mary and I crazy not to mention the cat. WE hear him but can't see him , this morning he sounded like he was rolling a marble around on the wood floor. Turn on the light and stomp your foot and he is gone, I hate to get a snap trap but it looks that might be the only way, since Archie hasn't caught him yet.
 Beautiful sunny day, warm about 40 out and than back into the deep freeze and snow coming for the rest of the week.Of course it would be , we have a passel of appointments and the grocery shopping Friday.I can"t believe February is almost over. Ah yes Lobster fest, sounds like Cathy and I will be going soon.
 Back to cleaning and fixing lunch , ducking on out.